Mastering the Art of Yellow: Painting a Votann Army with Games Workshop's Contrast Paints
The Votann are a fictional race found in the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. They are a technologically advanced and militaristic society, known for their mastery of steam power and engineering. They are led by a ruling council of powerful engineers and scientists, who govern from their capital city of Zarr.
Advanced Painting Techniques for Warhammer Miniatures
As you become more experienced in painting Warhammer miniatures, you may want to explore some advanced techniques to add depth and realism to your models.
Color Theory - Easy
Color theory is a vast and complex subject that deals with the way colors relate to each other and how they affect visual perception. In this post, we will explore some of the fundamental principles of color theory, so you can better understand how to use colors in your art or design.
Teoria dei colori - base
La teoria dei colori è un argomento vasto e complesso che riguarda il modo in cui i colori si relazionano tra loro e come influiscono sulla percezione visiva. In questo post esploreremo alcuni dei principi fondamentali della teoria dei colori, in modo che tu possa capire meglio come utilizzare i colori nella tua arte o nella tua progettazione.
Choosing the Right Colors for Painting Your Warhammer Miniatures
Discover the secrets to painting Warhammer miniatures like a pro. Learn how to choose the perfect colors, create realistic lights and shadows, and build a cohesive color palette for your army.
Come scegliere i colori giusti per dipingere le tue miniature di Warhammer
Scopri i segreti per dipingere miniature Warhammer come un professionista. Impara a scegliere i colori perfetti, a creare luci e ombre realistiche e a costruire una tavolozza di colori coerente per il tuo esercito.
Yes, I’m back with a tiny king!
Hello Mushlings and Outsiders! Yes, I’m back and stronger than before! 😊
I had the pleasure to accept this commission which is something outside of the ordinary for me as I never had the chance to paint such small minis (25mm)!
V Episode - NMM BASIC
This time, I will talk to you about the basics of NMM. NMM is an acronym that stands for Non-Metallic Metal and it means that you want to reproduce the reflections that occur on metal on your model. Doing this instead of using metallic paints takes longer and it's harder, but you want to do this because the reflections that occur on a Metallic painted Model are unnatural, because they are the reflections of a small miniature. Doing NMM instead means replicating the reflections as if your model was of a human scale.
IV Episode - AIRBRUSH [Part 2]
Airbrushing isn't a trick or some sort of a cheat, it's another painting instrument and the last Article wasn't enough. To continue, here we will talk about the importance of airbrush cleaning, how to dilute the color and what to use.
Let's start organically: you have started using your airbrush and now you are putting your color in the cup. The first thing to do is to dilute your color even if it's specifically made for airbrushes. That's important because the undiluted color will clog your instrument. To do this, I use a simple recipe for a thinner that will help:
Airbrush thinner: 70% demineralized water, 25% IPA "isopropyl alcohol", 5% glycerin.
This recipe allows you to atomize your color correctly.
Color Theory by Musha
Understanding and making the color theory our own is the most important thing to achieve great harmony and ambiance in your composition regardless the painting techniques !
I’m explaining to you very briefly the color theory thus we can say that we have learned all the fundamentals and basics at this point! The first 4 episodes were mandatory for your painting knowledge, therefore you can start painting with less struggle cuz now you know the theories and they work!
Jaka’s Darkcorner Rubrica is now Live! I Episode
Hi all. This channel will be used as a repository for all the subjects that Musha covered in her videos.