Hi Mushlings & Outsiders!

I’m a 29yo girl from Rome who wants to help people improve their painting skills without struggling!
This is the reason why I decided to create my Painting Academy for Beginners 101. My goal with the YouTube channel is to share my knowledge with the community and to help you on your journey to becoming a better painter!
I want to inspire you, boost your creativity, and teach you from the very fundamentals of painting to the most advanced and craved techniques!

But who’s Musha?

My name is Mary and Musha is the nickname I've worn since I was little because I have the same character and temperament as Mushu, Mulan's dragon. I also think that having adored him for so long has led me to be as awkward and disastrous as he is. I’m a 29 years old girl full of passions and hobbies. I’m just an ordinary girl, doing extraordinary things! I aim to entertain people with my adventures shared on my YouTube Channel and Instagram Page.

During the summer I usually go canyoning, climbing, mountain biking/downhill, and scuba diving around the world, while in the wintertime I go snowboarding and play video games as the sunset comes very quickly!


I attended classical high school, and my infinite craving for knowledge led me to study different subjects at university. I started with chemistry but never finished it. Then I studied Nordic Languages (Norwegian and Icelandic) and now since there is the possibility of attending two faculties at the same time, I am writing my thesis for Economics & Business Administration and at the same time, I attend Geological Sciences because I always had a thing for volcanoes!


I had two Masters in the last years, one in "General Manager for the Hotel Sector" at Bocconi University in Milan, and the other one in "Revenue Management" at LUISS University in Rome. I wanted to do these specializations in order to be more efficient in my primary job as I work as a Revenue Manager at "Appartamenti MarcoAurelio49", an aparthotel my family owns close to the Colosseum.

From the next year (2023) I should be able to work as a Tennis teacher during summer and as a Snowboard Teacher during winter!

My side jobs include Filmmaking, Video Editing, FPV Drone Piloting, Photography, Web Designing, and Miniatures Painting on commission.



When you shop through the affiliate links I provide below, I earn a small commission from each sale! This helps support the MushaMiniatures channel and the making of more FREE YouTube videos for everyone! Thank you!


📃STAY WET SHEETS https://geni.us/2C1yu 

‼️AK Ultra Matte Varnish https://geni.us/q13zQg

🖌BRUSHES: Finest (long tip) https://geni.us/kv7MR / Miniature (short tip) https://geni.us/wCCq9

🤓OPTIVISOR https://geni.us/yKfFvjP


La Teoria Dei Colori (Color Theory) https://geni.us/jXe9zYz

L’arte del Colore (The Art of the Colors) https://geni.us/BtoWES

Color Mixing Recipes for Portraits https://geni.us/BCEaxBD

🔴AK RED PALETTE SET https://geni.us/qBtHVk9

🔵AK BLUE PALETTE SET https://geni.us/Rp7vLA

⚫️AK Black Primer https://geni.us/RARSM

⚫️GW Citadel Chaos Black Spray Primer https://geni.us/mqopQGv

🔴AK Red Primer https://bit.ly/3dFl3FF

▶️Plastic Glue/Colla https://geni.us/lnfDb


SONY RX10 IV https://geni.us/t3RD

MIC https://geni.us/URKcQTr

STREAMDECK https://geni.us/qVLf

ELGATO 4K https://geni.us/94JIt

LED RING https://geni.us/hhbt

MANFROTTO https://geni.us/ajoV6M

MULTI USB https://geni.us/pPu865M

NOVOSTELLA LEDS https://geni.us/PvBmt4Y

NANOLEAF https://geni.us/mnkszz


For how long have you been painting?

My first approach was more than 20 years ago with LOTR figures. I was about 5yo and enjoyed painting my Rohan and Minas Tirith Armis, Uruk’Hais, and main characters. Then I just left this hobby for many many years…

I‘ve started painting again in 2017 and I have participated in many competitions and shows at an international level. I won many trophies and medals in the Master category.

Why this Painting Academy for Beginners 101?

I have been painting since 2017 and I have participated in many competitions and shows at an international level. This Academy was created to teach you all the painting techniques, improve your skills and above all make you want to paint your wonderful miniatures back!

Which brushes do you use?

My main brush is a Windsor&Newton Series 7 N.1 Miniature (short tip). I do love this tip because it looks more like a felt pen and it makes it easier to control each stroke. For the eyes I use a N.000 Finest (long tip).

Have you ever attended a workshop with master painters?

Of course yes! I attended workshops with Antonio Pena, Pepa Saavedra, Pepe Gallardo, Fabrizio “Rusto” Russo, Michael Pisarski, Kirill Kanaev and many more.

Do you use a thinner/varnish?

I ONLY use the Ultra Matte varnish from AK. I don’t apply it as a finishing varnish with an airbrush but I mix it with the colors instead of the water to dilute them. Why I’m doing it this way? Because it uniforms all the colors brands, makes it easier to blend, and works a bit as a retarder without leaving a satin effect.

Then what do you use the water for?

I use it only to clean my brush and when I have to create a wash consistency. I use 70% distilled water (so that it won’t leave any limestone residues), 20% dishwasher soap (this will remove all the colors into my bristles), and 10% alcohol so that it will keep my brush silky and near mint!

What is volumetry? How to achieve it?

If we want to add the volumetry (following the zenithal light) we know that the head is more enlightened than the belly so we can stop a bit earlier enlightening the abs as we want the chest, shoulder, and head to be brighter!

Volumetry is important because if you don’t apply it, your miniature will look too flat and it’s a shame to leave like this when you have the chance to do more with so little! Just start thinking of it when you paint your model, focus on how the light is working from the above, the more enlighten parts, and where you should “stop” applying the very max lights.


You will see me painting the miniature from a private YouTube link so that you have the lesson recorded and watchable as many times as you want! We will discuss earlier the topic and which miniature might fit best the argument we’re going to do together. At the end of the lesson or once the miniature is finished, I’m going to send my version to you plus a free customized beanie :D