Yes, I’m back with a tiny king!

Hello Mushlings and Outsiders! Yes, I’m back and stronger than before! 😊

I had the pleasure to accept this commission which is something outside of the ordinary for me as I never had the chance to paint such small minis (25mm)!


I can say that and in the beginning, I was a bit frightened, especially for the details parts (I was able to paint the pupils too in the end), but painting it I discovered a new world and I’m getting fond of it honestly 😂

Let me give you a very quick SBS tutorial for a textured cape using the stippling technique.

And don’t forget to warm up your brushes! 💪🏻

Colors used:

  1. Black Primer (AK Black Primer or Vallejo Black Primer

  2. Khorne Red (Base)

  3. Carroburg Crimson (Wash)

  4. Evil Sunz Scarlet (Layer 1) or Hellfire Red (GSW)

  5. Wilde Rider Red (Layer 2) or Orange Mango (GSW)

STEP 1: Basecoat

Apply a very thin layer of basecoat with Khorne Red. If needed, apply a second layer to make it as uniform as you can.

Remember: “It’s always better to apply an extra thin layer than 1 thicker”

STEP 2: Wash / Ink

Once dried, apply the wash from GW Carroburg Crimson or a similar ink if you have it. Wait for it to dry PERFECTLY!

If the wash is not dried, please have patience and wait, otherwise, you will mess up everything on the next step :)

I don’t recommend using a hairdryer on washes because they can make some nasty stains. Of course, this is not happing on Basecoating and Layering.

STEP 3: Layer 1

Let’s paint the first layer of dots using again our Khorn Red color with the STIPPLING TECHNIQUE to reproduce a nice wool texture on the cloak of our tiny king. You have to be very patient on this step and the following ones. The tip to achieve a realistic effect is to try to make rounded dots and not tiny lines and this can be achieved by holding the brush perpendicular to the surface and don’t use too much pressure on it.

Remember to not make the color too diluted otherwise, once dried, it will leave a brighter stain on the edge of the dot. This is a technique used to reproduce freckles :) The consistency in our case has to be pure layer consistency.

Have a look at my Painting Academy Episode where I explain to you how to create and control all the dilution types.

STEP 3: Layer 2

Time to set up the first lights on the cloak’s folds. Keep using the same stippling method but reduce a bit the painted area of course.

STEP 3-4: Layer 3-4

The same process of highlighting but with Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Rider Red. Keep reducing the area and focus more on the upper part of the cloak.

STEP 5: Glazing

Once everything is dried use the Evil Sunz Scarlet and apply a delicate glaze all over the cloak to uniform all the dots!

Hope you enjoyed this quick SBS tutorial on the stippling techniques. For more practical videos I suggest you to have a look at the Demin Tutorial from the Academy.




Come scegliere i colori giusti per dipingere le tue miniature di Warhammer


V Episode - NMM BASIC