II Episode - Brush Control

03/24/2022 Today’s Topic : Brush Control

Brush control is literally that, being able to hold your brush and paint precise lines, or more specifically, paint exactly what you want to paint in your piece. This is difficult to achieve: tremors, being nervous, even stress can make your painting worse. There are some exercises to be more precise either way, and even hand grip methods. This exercise has been recently released from telepurte. It works for drawing, but freehand is also an important part of miniature painting, and in general these exercises are really good.

This is another video on brush grip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fezfea7w4jQ

Airbrush grip is another beast but is tightly correlated. We want to paint what we have in our heads, not what we have in our hands, and over the counter, the table, etc. Mick Neill is an incredible artist and his videos are really useful. He teaches the basics of airbrush drawing but the grip is always the same, just the canvas changes. His whole channel is a must-watch: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzko8i2gmmsJa41PWEKIp_Q




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